Digital Planet (BBC)
Peter Day's World of Business
NPR Most Emailed Stories
Car Talk
This American Life
RTHK Naked Cantonese
1) Dedicated volume controls. No brainer.
2) A screen to be able to read summaries and information about the podcast (more important for podcasts than for music or audiobooks)
This leads to another issue: why does the iTunes software show more information about podcasts than is available on other players? Even when I look at podcasts with PC programs like Media Monkey, I cannot see as much program information as is available in iTunes? The best example is NPR's Most Emailed stories: in iTunes and on the iPod, you can see a summary of each of the 6 stories on the daily podcast. This is not visible in other programs, such as in Windows Explorer (it is not in the "Comment" or "Description" fields). Is it some proprietary Apple format?3) The ability to fast forward (for those boring parts of NPR podcasts, or commercial messages), and rewind (when you missed something or someone interrupted you). This may seem basic, but... When I fast-forward on my Zen Neeon2 , I invariably (but unpredictably, in terms of timing) jump to the end of the file. I've I have just been told by the Creative Media tech support in Hong Kong that the reason I cannot reliably fast forward within podcasts is that they are recorded in mono. They converted my NPR Car Talk podcast to stereo, and now I can fast-forward reliably through the entire podcast. But who wants to convert their podcasts before listening to them?! All NPR and BBC podcasts I have checked use mono.
In case you do not believe me that there really are MP3 players that cannot fast-forward, here is an email from Creative Labs in reply to my query:
Dear Joseph,Thank you for replying to Creative Customer Support.Having read through your mail, I do understand that you have an issuewith Fast Forwarding using Creative Zen Neeon 2.To assist you further, you might wish to know that you will only be ableto do a short burst for the fast forwarding. It will not be able topress and hold on for too long when doing fast forwarding.In case if you need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contactus. [No, this is all too clear!]
This might be a quirk of Creative Media players, except that I had the same problem with my iRiver Clix player (before I dropped it and it broke). I could work around it with the iRiver because it allows you to change the speed of the fastforwarding, so I could fast forward at 12X and usually get to about where I wanted to go, but the Zen Neeon 2 does not have a "fast" fast-forward.
Actually, I should add 3b) variable speed fast-forwarding. The speed of fast-forwarding should increase after you hold the button down about 10 or 15 seconds.
4) Bookmarks, so you can find your place, and should stay "parked"in the file you are listening to when you sync (the iRiver Click, for example, has a bookmark but you need to remember what file you were listening to before sync'ing, because sync'ing with its"MyPodder" software brings you to the root of its menu). Automatic bookmarks that remember 3 or 4 files, set automatically when you turn the player off or change file, would be ideal.
5) The "delete file" capability (not possible in iPods); I don't know how others use podcasts, but I like to be able to delete the podcast as soon as I'm done listening to it, to eliminate maintenance later.
6) FM tuner; useful for listening to local programs when I'm traveling.
7) Being able to copy files conveniently (e.g. by drag and drop) is a big advantage; being forced to use proprietary software (e.g. iTunes for the Apple products) is annoying. The Creative Zen Media Explorer allows this, but it renames the file when it gets copied to the MP3 player by adding 000_ to the front of the file name. This is unnecessary and annoying for podcasts. Another reason relying on iTunes is irritating is that iTunes will stop downloading any podcast that you do not listen to regularly--there is no way to override this. There are some podcasts that I like to listen to in batches, or do not keep up with when I am busy but catch up on during slow weeks. iTunes thinks it knows my habits better than I do, so stops downloading podcasts I have not listened to.
Nice features to have (but not essential):
a) automatic rewind (when you pause or stop, re-starting automatically rewinds a few seconds to make it easier to understand and avoid missing information if you paused in mid-speech.
There may be more features I would like, but have not thought of. I'll probably add to this list the next time I buy a new MP3 player and have more complaints. It is not easy getting all the features right, but I'm surprised podcast listening geeks have so little influence on the market. I would have thought the engineers designing these players would understand us!